序号 | 第一获奖人 | 项目名称 | 奖励名称 | 获奖时间 |
1 | 沈思特 | 气体渗氮机理及应用研究 | 四川省科技进步二等奖 | 1991年 |
2 | 栾道成 | 新型高碳硅锰系低合金奥—贝组织高强韧性廉价耐磨钢及其磨损特性的研究 | 国家教育委员会科学技术进步三等奖 | 1993年 |
3 | 栾道成 | 高性能铸态奥氏体-贝氏体耐磨钢应用研究 | 四川省科技进步三等奖 | 1997年 |
4 | 张崇才 | 铝基特种滑动轴承合金及其在液压工业中的应用研究 | 四川省科技进步三等奖 | 2003年 |
5 | 栾道成 | 高耐磨耐热超高碳球墨铸钢新材料及应用研究 | 四川省科技进步三等奖 | 2004年 |
6 | 栾道成 | 高速铁路辙叉新一代高性能耐磨材料及应用研究 | 四川省科技进步二等奖 | 2007年 |
7 | 魏晓伟 | 大功率发动机活塞表面陶瓷化处理技术研究 | 四川省科技进步二等奖 | 2012年 |
8 | 罗德福 | 炒锅表面深层共渗改性及其产业化 | 四川省科技进步三等奖 | 2016年 |
9 | 魏晓伟 | 新型06Cr16Ni5Mo不锈钢的研制 | 四川省科技进步三等奖 | 2016年 |
序号 | 专利号 | 专利名称 |
1 | ZL98112095.4 | 高速准高速铁路道叉高性能耐磨钢(已转化) |
2 | ZL02113407.3 | 一种磁制冷机的磁制冷装置 |
3 | ZL200510020440.4 | 一种在磁制冷材料表面制作薄膜的方法及装置 |
4 | ZL200610020694.0 | 铁路钢轨及组合辙叉修复专用贝氏体焊条(已转化) |
5 | ZL200610020393.8 | 用碘化铅熔体生长单晶体的方法及设备 |
6 | ZL201010136750.3 | 活塞环表面铝铬氮复合涂层及其工艺方法 |
7 | ZL201010154138.9 | 球形硅相铝硅合金及其工艺方法 |
8 | ZL201210255117.5 | 高寒地区铁路贝氏体钢组合辙叉修复专用焊条(已转化) |
9 | ZL201210312635.6 | 甲基丙烯酸甲酯的本体聚合方法(已转化) |
10 | ZL201210397522.0 | 生长碘化铅单晶体的方法及系统 |
11 | ZL201210429415.1 | 调控碘化铅化学配比的方法及系统 |
12 | ZL201210061851.8 | 一种储能型无纺布填充棉的制造方法 |
13 | ZL201310482025.5 | 合成碘化亚汞的方法 |
14 | ZL201310471418.6 | 一种铸造单晶硅锭的方法与装置 |
15 | ZL201310212573.6 | 一种钒钛球墨铸铁熔炼方法 |
16 | ZL201310212619.4 | 一种颗粒增强耐磨多孔钛制备方法 |
17 | ZL201310176864.4 | 一种自带模板剂的单分散型纳米致孔剂的制备方法 |
18 | ZL201410242339.2 | 一种热电材料及其制备方法 |
19 | ZL201410058343.3 | 一种复合粉体及其制备方法 |
20 | ZL201410379999.5 | 连续合成Cr2AlC粉体的盐浴炉及合成方法 |
21 | ZL201410001733.7 | 热喷注铁颗粒制备铝铁合金的工艺方法 |
22 | ZL201410001733.7 | 热喷注铁颗粒制备铝铁合金的工艺方法 |
23 | ZL201410236878.5 | 一种粒径可控的单分散性纳米淀粉微球的制备方法 |
24 | ZL201410763389.5 | 一种聚氨酯复合材料及其制备方法 |
25 | ZL201510789844.3 | 一种新型n-type热电材料NbCoSb的制备方法 |
26 | ZL201510692091.4 | 交互式双阴极离子表面热处理炉 |
27 | ZL200810147942.7 | 旋转式高精度气密性检测装置 |
28 | ZL201110429148.3 | 热管换热器和换热方法 |
29 | ZL201210235711.8 | 高温热泵及其使用方法 |
30 | ZL201310604334.5 | 一种微成形伺服压力机 |
31 | ZL201510788082.5 | 一种新型n-type热电材料NbVTaCoSb及其制备方法 |
32 | ZL201510075021.4 | 一种无卤阻燃ABS材料及其制备方法 |
33 | ZL201510300751.X | 聚丙烯树脂基纳米复合材料及其制备方法 |
34 | ZL201510052708.6 | 一种超亲水自清洁薄膜及其制备方法 |
35 | ZL201410454474.3 | 一种超低介电常数聚酰亚胺薄膜及其制备方法 |
36 | ZL201510477724.X | 内孔局域辉光等离子体放电装置及其使用方法 |
37 | ZL201510478316.6 | 生长碘化亚汞单晶体的方法及装置 |
38 | 201610006269.X | Ca3Co4O9/Bi2Ca2Co2Oy复合热电材料及其制备方法 |
序号 | 申请号 | 专利名称 |
1 | 201110348909.2 | 一种在PbTe或PbSe中添加元素铝的热电材料 |
2 | 201611240969.1 | 一种氯镁电池及其储能方法 |
3 | 201010546163.1 | 含有稀土的超细晶粒硬质合金材料及其制备方法 |
4 | 201210254742.8 | 高寒地区铁路辙叉高性能贝氏体耐磨钢及制造方法 |
5 | 201510680712.7 | 一种列车车轴激光熔覆修复的合金粉末及其制备方法 |
6 | 201611050069.0 | 一种抗污耐蚀抗菌不锈钢板及其制备方法 |
7 | 201611052599.9 | 不锈钢粉末板材及其制备方法 |
8 | 201611050043.6 | 一种高密度不锈钢粉末的制备方法 |
9 | 201610279243.2 | 一种功能梯度耐磨铁基复合材料及其制备方法 |
10 | 201611086728.6 | 一种用于增加TP347HFG钢中片状碳化铌数量的方法 |
11 | 201110359182.8 | 一种发动机的活塞铸件铸型及活塞铸件的铸造方法 |
12 | 201110359132.X | 用于辐射屏蔽的碳化硼-球墨铸铁材料、结构及制备方法 |
13 | 201310067887.1 | 低硅碳比、亚共晶、节能型含钒和钛的铸造生铁 |
14 | 201410001760.4 | 烧结高锌铝基含油轴承及其制备方法 |
15 | 201610477986.0 | 热装含钛炉渣熔融还原制取钛硅铁合金的装置及方法 |
16 | 201610779101.2 | 一种粉末烧结材料高温塑性流变致密化本构模型构建方法 |
17 | 201210198061.4 | 一种新型聚甲基乙撑碳酸酯纳米复合材料的制备方法 |
18 | 201210201188.7 | 一种低压缩应力松弛硅橡胶泡沫连续板材及其制备方法 |
19 | 201210374252.1 | 一种阻燃复合材料及其制备方法 |
20 | 201310488410.0 | 一种双聚合物组分阻燃复合材料及其制备方法 |
21 | 201510072307.7 | 一种复合阻燃材料及其制备方法 |
22 | 201510976351.0 | 一种聚苯乙烯树脂基复合材料及其制备方法 |
23 | 201610897023.6 | 一种高性能聚苯胺基有机热电材料及其制备方法 |
24 | 201611061790.X | 一种阻燃木塑复合材料及其制备方法 |
25 | 201611061873.9 | 一种木塑复合材料及其制备方法 |
26 | 201611050067.1 | 一种阻燃ABS复合材料及其制备方法 |
27 | 201611050153.2 | 一种采用废弃物制备的木塑复合材料及其制备方法 |
28 | 201611050068.6 | 一种抑菌阻燃尼龙复合材料及其制备方法 |
29 | 201611052598.4 | 一种无卤阻燃复合材料及其制备方法 |
30 | 201610457739.4 | 一种层状分布阻燃剂及其制备方法 |
31 | 201610459583.3 | 一种阻燃剂海岛分布的高分子材料及其制备方法 |
32 | 201610458446.8 | 一种阻燃剂浓度梯度分布的高分子材料及其制备方法 |
33 | 201610587443.4 | 石墨烯 二氧化硅杂化材料及制备聚氨酯基纳米复合材料的方法 |
34 | 201610587353.5 | 石墨烯-聚乙烯醇杂化材料及制备聚氨酯树脂基复合材料的方法 |
35 | 201610543266.X | 氨基酸修饰的填料及制备高密度聚乙烯树脂基纳米复合材料的方法 |
36 | 201610547518.6 | 高密度聚乙烯树脂基纳米复合材料及其制备方法 |
37 | 201610181199.1 | 一种聚醚酮类离子交换膜及其制备方法与应用 |
38 | 201710128711.0 | |
39 | 201110286830.1 | 铝合金硬质阳极氧化膜及其工艺方法 |
40 | 201110361037.3 | 一种低温渗氮氮化盐 |
41 | 201110348558.5 | 一种工模具表面耐磨涂层的制备方法 |
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43 | 201510755856.4 | 3D打印微弧氧化膜装置及方法 |
44 | 201510732541.8 | 铝合金缸体内表面陶瓷层及其工艺方法 |
45 | 201710098407.6 | 一种阳极氧化阴极板的革新方法 |
46 | 201710098406.1 | |
47 | 201610705743.8 | 一种特种点焊机 |
48 | 201710116776.3 | |
49 | 200910058063.1 | 耐腐蚀复合热交换器及其制作方法 |
50 | 201611042674.3 | 一种钢液导流器、钢液净化装置以及钢液净化方法 |
51 | 201611070430.6 | 一种烟气脱硫脱碳装置以及烟气脱硫脱碳方法 |
52 | 201610660057.3 | 一种半导体空气冷凝水装置的节能型水冷散热系统 |
53 | 201710152340.X | |
54 | 201810203297.X | 一种金属离子源及其使用方法 |
序号 | 论文名称 | 第一 作者 | 发表年月 | 刊物/会议名称 | 影响因子 |
1 | Enhancement of thermoelectric figure-of-merit by resonant states of aluminium doping in lead selenide | 张勤勇 | 201201 | Energy & Environmental Science | 15.49 |
2 | Effect of Silicon and Sodium on Thermoelectric Properties of Thallium Doped Lead Telluride Based Materials | 张勤勇 | 201205 | Nano Letters | 13.02 |
3 | High-Performance, Room-Temperature, and No-Humidity-Impact Ammonia Sensor Based on Heterogeneous Nickel Oxide and Zinc Oxide Nanocrystals | 王剑 | 201502 | ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces | 6.723 |
4 | Controlled growth of conical nickel oxide nanocrystals and their high performance gas sensing devices for ammonia molecule detection | 王剑 | 201408 | Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics | 4.493 |
5 | The Effect of Sn Doping on Thermoelectric Performance of n-type Half-Heusler NbCoSb | 黄丽宏 | 201710 | Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics | 4.123 |
6 | Thermal and mechanical properties of polypropylene nanocomposites reinforced with nano-SiO2 functionalized graphene oxide | 卞军 | 201704 | Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing | 4.075 |
7 | Thermal conductivity reduction by isoelectronic elements V and Ta for partial substitution of Nb in half-Heusler Nb(1-x)/2V(1-x)/2TaxCoSb | 黄丽宏 | 201512 | RSC Advances | 3.84 |
8 | Processing and Assessment of High-Performance Poly (butylene terephthalate) Nanocomposites Reinforced with Microwave Exfoliated Graphite Oxide Nanosheets. | 卞军 | 201311 | European Polymer Journal | 3.242 |
9 | Influence of surface micro grooving pretreatment on MAO process of aluminum alloy | 黄红键 | 201612 | Applied Surface Science | 3.15 |
10 | On the microstructure and mechanical property of as-extruded Mg-Gd-Y-Zn alloy with Sr addition | 刘胜明 | 201610 | Materials Science & Engineering A | 3.094 |
11 | Galvanic displacement synthesis of Al/Ni core-shell pigments and their low infrared emissivity application | 袁乐 | 201606 | Journal of Alloys and Compounds | 2.999 |
12 | Effects of secondary carbides on the microstructure, mechanical properties and erosive wear of Ti(C,N)-based cermets | 万维财 | 201701 | Ceramics International | 2.986 |
13 | Self-Assembly β Nucleating Agent Induced Polymorphic Transition from α-Form Shish Kebab to β-Form Highly Ordered Lamella under Intense Shear Field | 韩锐 | 201702 | Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research | 2.843 |
14 | Preparation of NiO two-dimensional grainy films and their high-performance gas sensors for ammonia detection | 王剑 | 201503 | Nanoscale Research Letters | 2.779 |
15 | Gas-Sensing Devices Based on Zn-Doped NiO Two-Dimensional Grainy Films with Fast Response and Recovery for Ammonia Molecule Detection | 王剑 | 201512 | Nanoscale Research Letters | 2.779 |
16 | Fabrication of Microwave Exfoliated Graphite Oxide Reinforced Thermoplastic Polyurethane Nanocomposites: Effects of Filler on Morphology, Mechanical, Thermal and Conductive Properties | 卞军 | 201304 | Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing | 2.744 |
17 | Tribological properties of Al2O3nanoparticles as lubricating oil additives | 罗婷 | 201406 | Ceramics International | 2.605 |
18 | Tribology properties of Al2O3/TiO2 nanocomposites as lubricant additives | 罗婷 | 201408 | Ceramics International | 2.605 |
19 | Processing and photocatalyst activity of ion-doped V2O5 powders | 刘旭 | 201511 | Ceramics international | 2.605 |
20 | Aluminum and silicon based phase change materials for high capacity thermal energy storage | 王正云 | 201510 | APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING | 2.739 |
21 | Recent progress in half-Heusler thermoelectric materials | 黄丽宏 | 201604 | Materials Research Bulletin | 2.435 |
22 | A Facile Approach to Selective Reduction and Functionalization of Graphene Oxide and its Application in Fabrication of Multifunctional Polypropylene Nanocomposites | 卞军 | 201709 | Polymer Composites | 2.324 |
23 | Comparative Study on the Natural Rubber Nanocomposites Reinforced with Carbon Black Nanoparticles and Graphite Oxide Nanosheets | 卞军 | 201709 | Polymer Composites | 2.324 |
24 | Structure and electromagnetic properties of FeSiAl particles coated by MgO | 周廷栋 | 201703 | Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials | 2.3 |
25 | Characterization of the in situ growth manasseite/carbonates composite conversion film on Mg2Zn alloy | 陈君 | 201507 | Materials Letters | 2.291 |
26 | A new n-type half-Heusler thermoelectric material NbCoSb | 黄丽宏 | 201510 | Materials Research Bulletin | 2.288 |
27 | Research and analysis on electrochemical performances of a-Fe2O3 electrode in Li-ion battery with different current collectors | 黄丽宏 | 201506 | Materials Research Bulletin | 2.288 |
28 | Intrinsically conducting polymer-based fabric strain sensors | 马素德 | 201307 | Polymer International | 2.247 |
29 | Nano/Mesoporous Polymers Based Low-k Dielectric Materials: A Review on Methods and Advances | 马素德 | 201303 | Advances in Polymer Technology | 2.147 |
30 | Effect of amorphous evolution on structure and absorption properties of FeSiCr alloy powders | 邹兵飞 | 201307 | JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS | 2.002 |
31 | Thermoelectric properties of 0.7 Ca3Co4−xCuxO9/0.3 Bi2Ca2Co2−zCuzOy (x = 0, 0.05, 0.1; z = 0, 0.05, 0.1) composites | 冯宁博 | 201705 | Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics | 2 |
32 | Composites Strengthened-toughened Synergistically by L-Aspartic Acid Functionalized Graphene/Carbon Nanotubes Hybrid Nanomaterials | 卞军 | 201704 | Journal of Applied Polymer Science | 1.86 |
33 | Preparation and characterization of nanoporous polyimide membrane by the template method as low-k dielectric material | 马素德 | 201603 | POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES | 1.757 |
34 | PP/PP-g-MAH/Layered Expanded Graphite Oxide Nanocomposites Prepared Via Masterbatch Process | 卞军 | 201304 | JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE | 1.640 |
35 | Effects of Sb Substitution by Sn on the Thermoelectric Properties of ZrCoSb | 张勤勇 | 201705 | Journal of Electronic Materials | 1.579 |
36 | Microstructures of TC21 alloys after hydrogenation and dehydrogenation | 王小丽 | 201401 | Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China | 1.317 |
37 | Sc3+和Ru4+联合取代BZN 基陶瓷结构与介电性能的研究 | 张倩 | 201411 | 无机材料学报 | 1.314 |
38 | Ba0.98Bi0.02(Ti0.9Zr0.1)1-xCuxO3陶瓷的介电性能、弛豫行为与结晶化学特性 | 彭勇 | 201307 | 无机化学学报 | 1.267 |
39 | A Constitutive Equation for the Flow and Densification Behaviors of Powder Metallurgy Fe–0.5C–2Cu Steel at Elevated Temperatures | 郭彪 | 201704 | Steel research international | 1.235 |
40 | 复合掺杂对BCZT陶瓷的介电弛豫行为研究 | 徐琴 | 201304 | 无机材料学报 | 1.192 |
41 | Solid electrolyte inter-phase on graphite anodes in Li-ion batteries | 黄丽宏 | 201402 | Reviews on Advanced Materials Science | 1.161 |
42 | Wear resistant high boron cast alloy-a review | 马素德 | 201602 | REVIEWS ON ADVANCED MATERIALS SCIENCE | 1.161 |
43 | Microstructure and fatigue crack growth of EA4T steel in laser | 陈文静 | 201703 | Engineering Failure Analysis | 1.028 |
44 | Characteristics of Ni{Cr{Fe laser clad layers on EA4T steel | 陈文静 | 201707 | International Journal of Modern Physics B | 0.937 |
45 | Thermoelectric properties of n-type Bi2Te2.7Se0.3 with addition of nano-ZnO: Al particles | Shaowei Song | 201407 | Materials Research Express | 0.9 |
46 | Effects of Dy on Magnetic Properties and Microstructure of Nanocomposite (Nd,Pr)10.5-xDyxFe83.5B6 Alloys | 査五生 | 201504 | 稀有金属材料与工程 | 0.769 |
47 | The solidification and precipitation behaviors of AE42 magnesium alloy | 廖慧敏 | 201707 | International Journal of Modern Physics B | 0.736 |
48 | Dy元素对快淬(Nd,Pr)FeB合金的磁性能和晶化转变温度的影响 | 查五生 | 201312 | 稀有金属材料与工程 | 0.663 |
49 | Impact wear behaviors of two modified layers in Ti6Al4V Substrate | 王艳 | 201307 | 稀有金属材料与工程 | 0.663 |
50 | Ba1-xMgxAl2Si2O8 晶体结构与微波介电性能的研究 | 张瑶 | 201701 | 无机材料学报 | 0.5 |
51 | Study of structure and dielectric properties of Bi1.5Zn1+xNb1.5O7+x ceramics | 彭小松 | 201606 | FERROELECTRICS | 0.491 |
52 | Preparation and properties of a long time durable superhydrophilic titanium dioxide film obtained by a sol-gel process | 张建军 | 201701 | Materials Testing | 0.42 |
53 | Abrasion wear behavior of a forged and unforged Fe-B alloy | 马素德 | 201602 | MATERIALS TESTING | 0.335 |
54 | Smelting reduction of MgO in molten slag by liquid ferrosilicon | 唐祁峰 | 201608 | REVISTA DE METALUGIA | 0.295 |
55 | Morphological, Mechanical and thermal properties of Chemically Bonded Graphene 43Oxide Nanocomposites with Biodegradable Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) by Solution Intercalation | 卞军 | 201602 | polymers &polymer composites | 0.26 |
56 | The effects of Oxidation Temperature on the Microstructure and Photocatalytic Activity of the TiO2 Coating | 唐鑫鑫 | 201705 | MATERIALS SCIENCE | 0.2 |
57 | 氢化物对N18锆合金原位拉伸断裂行为的影响 | 刘锦云 | 201703 | 稀有金属材料与工程 | 0.194 |
58 | 氢化物对N18锆合金原位拉伸变形的影响 | 刘锦云 | 201702 | 稀有金属材料与工程 | 0.194 |
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